Friday, May 25, 2007

The Double Cross is Hot!

Well I know it's been for ever and a day since I have posted anything on the blog, so-shoot me! As usual things are either moving at warp speed or a snails pace at Naked Motel.
We have been working hard on some new designs and a new look for the web site and finally have some new things that we are happy to share. The new designs haven't really hit the street yet and we have already been getting excellent feedback on them. We have been having a hard time keeping the samples from going out the door with people. Every time I turn around we are out of something because we have been selling what we have to our friends or people that have stopped by the studio to visit. They see the shirts, and end up talking us into selling them one right there on the spot, ( How do you say no to your friends?) this may sound great to you but it's not the way to do things. We are really happy that people seem to like the new stuff a lot, but every time we sell stuff that way we end up hurting ourselves because we need to order more samples. To see the new designs and a look at the redesign of the website click on the link I posted here.
If you do take the time to check us out I'd love to hear back from you and get your feedback on the new designs and how the site is. Of course I , we hope you like what you see but I would love to hear good or bad from whoever takes the time to visit and look.

While I think of it many thanks have to go to our good friends at Real Art Ways for all their input and constant help whenever we we need it. If you have never heard of them click on the link I put here and check them out, well worth your time. Every city should be so lucky to have something as cool to go to.

As I mentioned above we have just posted the new designs on the nakedmotel site and you can check in and check them out there. Before I catch too much heat I will answer the question I have been getting asked a lot recently. Yes all the new designs are for women, we know that. Yes we are going to add stuff for guys and are working on it but don't want to put something out that we wouldn't wear ourselves. We currently have a few designs for guys shirts we are happy with and are just trying to fill out the line so its about the same size as the current womens collection. All I can say is stay tuned, we hope to have those done really soon.

We try to follow our own voice and not be slaves to what everyone else is doing, so our designs tend to take a while to develop but really do end up being rather timeless because of this. If it seems to some like we might be missing the boat or slow in pumping out new designs all I can say is we are trying to do as much as we can but will not put out something we don't like just to put out a new design. Thanks in advance for understanding this. Until you try and start something like your own line you just can't image how many things you need to do in order to get your designs to market. The design part is just one small part of the equation and for us it is the most fun. If all we had to do was design that would be great, but at this point if we don't concentrate on the other parts of the business we just won't move forward.

If you do visit the site, and have been on it before you will see that it looks all new, although it's not anywhere near where we want it to be. Admittedly we are not as quick at getting things done on the site as we would like, but we seem to be moving forward some and hopefully eventually we will pick up the pace more and get it together better.

Before I close this post I want to tell anyone that happens to land here that doesn't already know about us if you go to the our site,, and decide to buy something make sure you sign up to be on our mailing list before you make your purchase . You can save money right away. We will send you a special discount code to plug into the shopping cart to save money on your first purchase.
I guess that's all for now.

Hope to get back here with more news soon

Best to all.

Enjoy Naked Motel

Scott V